Saturday, February 23, 2008

Quick Update, New Stock, Decision Time

Urg, two days till I turn 28....16 seemed like only yesterday! I've got high hopes for my birthday party, it looks like things might finally go off without a hitch. (hitting knuckles hard against the wood desk!)

I'm uploading new stock as we speak. (or as I write) Things have been 'difficult' getting things in order this week for some reason... I also have three orders of Sunflowers and had my last batch not go so well. They're in the pot today attempting to own up to the colorway and hopefully my luck will turn with them.

Decision time: My theatre job has been getting in the way of my dyeing job. I love working up there, but like today I'm going as quickly as I can to get stuff done. I don't like being rushed and I've felt that way for the past four weeks. It is my last two days, today and tomorrow so I'll just have to see how I feel. With the sock club coming up, everything is going to take a back seat to it. Just going to have to think on it.

Oh and a quick preview of the ad for the sock club....maybe there is a clue in here? (I'm not telling!)


NH Knitting Mama said...

I'm coming out of lurk-dom. ha ha... Wow, if you are saying that you're trying to make a decision about staying at your theater job or dyeing full time - I say you are so lucky if you can quite your job and dye. Your stuff is FANTASTIC!

Dee said...

well, the theatre job is the essense of a part time job...I don't work many hours but it's nights and weekends which is when i normally dye. Still don't know what I'm going to do because I do like it there.

Thank you for the compliment! I still can't believe that i've somehow found a way to make more colors! :)